Psychology Doctoral Programs in Minnesota

Are you interested in learning about Doctoral Programs in Psychology in Minnesota? If you live in the North Star State and you would like to advance your career by earning your doctorate degree majoring in Psychology and becoming a licensed Psychologist, you need to find an accredited option. Comparing the license-eligible programs that are accredited by The American Psychological Association (APA) Commission on Accreditation (CoA) and other recognized agencies within the discipline so that you can get the quality education you need to succeed in this professional field is imperative. Here are leading psychology graduate programs within the state that have a great reputation for graduates pursuing a variety of career options within the discipline of Psychology.

University of Minnesota

The Graduate School, Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota has a mission to contribute to the basic science of Psychology and train future professionals in psychological science and its modern methods. Since its founding as a separate department in 1917, the Department of Psychology has followed the vision to stay committed to pure science and practical application. The programs offered by the department are all centered around providing training in leadership, service, and methods of psychology.

With both undergraduate and graduate programs to choose from, students can learn the broad dynamic of Psychology or delve deeper into specific areas of the discipline by enrolling in one of the Psychology doctoral programs that are available. The Graduate School at UM is dedicated to diversity, and this is what separates UM from other schools. By having a diverse student body, those who study with UM can consider several views and perspectives as they develop new knowledge.

Counseling Psychology PhD

The Counseling Psychology PhD program is an empirical research-oriented and rigorous doctoral program offered at The Graduate School at University of Minnesota. Not only is the program accredited by the APA, it has also been regarded as one of the best in the world because of learning outcomes that show that graduates have become leaders in counseling psychology and psychology research.

While the program does prepare students in research and clinical experiences, there is a unique focus on the changing demographics in society and how globalization is affecting mental health services today. The curriculum that is offered will cover a wide range of topics, including: developmental psychology, personality disorders, intellectual, developmental, and psychosocial psychology. Graduates of this program will be prepared to address concerns of people from around the world of different cultures, and will be prepared to understand cultural and individual diversity.


  • American Psychological Association since 1948


N218 Elliott Hall
75 E River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]

School Psychology PhD

The College of Education and Human Development offers the School Psychology doctoral degree to prepare school psychologists on how to apply the knowledge that they gain in school to working with students in a school setting. As one of the oldest and the most well established graduate programs in the country, the School of Psychology PhD is a great choice for professional psychologists who want to be leaders in the educational arena. The scientist-practitioner training model that the program follows will prepare you for all roles of school psychology, including: consultative roles, educative roles, administrative roles, and evaluative roles.


  • American Psychological Association


Educational Psychology
250 Education Sciences Bldg
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected]

University of St. Thomas

College of Education, Leadership & Counseling

The College of Education, Leadership & Counseling at the University of St. Thomas has a rich history and is comprised of more than 50 different academic programs that expose students to real-world problems and how to discover the solutions to these problems. Founded in the 1950’s, the College has helped majors in Education, Leadership and Counseling achieve success and develop their skills across disciplines for more than a half century. The school is dedicated to instilling the practical skills and students need while giving students the impressive credentials they need to show that they are asset to prospective employers.

Counseling Psychology PsyD

The Counseling Psychology PsyD program is a cohort graduate-level program that will help you develop bonds with classmates while you study professional psychology. The programs is suited towards professionals who would like to provide psychological services as a counseling professional, or to become a supervisor in part of administration. Counseling Psychology is a doctorate program that prepares professionals for licensure and to practice as a psychologist rather than becoming a research scientist. The program will establish competencies in scientific psychology, counseling psychology, and diagnosis and implementation of intervention strategies.


  • American Psychological Association


1000 LaSalle Avenue
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403
[email protected]

If you are interested in starting your own practice in Minnesota, or you would like to learn a more research-oriented curriculum, you should compare several different degree programs. From psychology masters programs to online doctorate programs, there are a wide range of options to consider. Map out the path that you would like to take, and then determine which accreditation higher education program takes the best approach for you. Compare Doctoral Programs in Psychology in Minnesota, narrow your list, and make an educated decision about your education.

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